Crossing Boarders: NOVA IMS ALUMNI goes to Madrid!

What are we up to in Madrid? — by Ricardo Isaías Serafim

4 min read6 days ago

We, NOVA IMS ALUMNI, are a dynamic, flexible, and adventurous group. A few weeks ago, we went to Óbidos to attend an ALUMNI meeting, and now it’s time to broaden our horizons and cross borders as a community that keeps growing.

In Óbidos, we idealized Madrid as our next meeting destination, and nobody objected. In just a few weeks, we managed to plan the activities, the travel, and the accommodation, and suddenly we had a group of four musketeers ready to hop in the car and hit the road. And for what, you ask? And rightly so, why on earth would the representatives of this Association leave Portuguese borders?

The answer will become clear in the next lines, but first, let me introduce the group that came together: we have different ages, different stories, and we have met at different moments of our academic and professional lives.

Hop on! We’re going to Madrid!
In Madrid! Finally!

· Catarina Costa, the youngest in the group, always energetic and veryyy talkative, a Product Manager by profession.

· Catarina Nunes, born in the 80s like me, thoughtful and very cautious, even for someone who faces uncharted waters, a major and a patriot.

· Guilherme Figueiredo, just over two decades old, a master’s student and a stiff who doesn’t like photos, a manager and dashboarding specialist.

· And me, Ricardo, also born in the 80s, a manager and wannabe engineer, an invitation for me is an invitation to accept, an enthusiast of innovation and technologies.

We are connected by the future, with technology and innovation in the background, both through our jobs and personal interests. Politics don’t enter the equation, for now.

With a blue car and a full tank, we intended to reach Madrid, leaving Lisbon on a Saturday morning, and returning on Monday. We were visiting a NOVA IMS ALUMNI group in Madrid, listening to their journeys, and trying to understand how we can better integrate them into this growing community from Campolide, in Lisbon — where NOVA IMS faculty is based. We also took the opportunity to get closer and prepare the strategy for what’s coming, and believe me, a lot is coming!

This blog is already a sign of change: we want to let people know what we are up and with whom they can count on… us! Our team is here to stay.

Besides this meeting, we took a few spins on some roller coasters. Of course, Warner Bros Park.

So, what’s the deal, and why did we leave Portuguese borders?

One of the ALUMNI’s goals is to bring together all former NOVA IMS students, whether they’re in Lisbon, Portugal, or anywhere in the world. We don’t have yet an official chapter or group, but we’re already getting to know our members everywhere with the huge ease of communication the internet provides.

How about starting with our companions in Spain, and then moving on to Luxembourg next? Oops, I’m writing too much… so I share with you some smiles worth of a thousand words:

Food and ALUMNI… what else?

We met…

· Vera Coelho, who moved lock, stock, and barrel to Madrid for a company that matched her values and dreams. She’s super happy, and, as a fun fact, she chose everything we ate. The meal was quite satisfying… despite of the small glasses!

· Vicente Costa, who, despite working 100% remotely, moved to Madrid to accompany his wife that also changed jobs to the Spanish capital.

· Vicente’s wife, Madalena Rodrigues, who happens to also be a NOVA IMS ALUMNI of the Marketing intelligence Masters’ program. It was during their time at Nova IMS that they first met. She didn’t hesitate to accept an irresistible job offer as a project manager at a pharmaceutical company. Fun-loving, always cheerful and upbeat, she is a beacon guiding all of us through this journey that began after we finish our training at IMS.

How do we support these colleagues of ours (including YOU, the one reading this)?

Besides having an open communication channel where everyone can share their experiences and challenges, we also organize in-person events, and soon online initiatives too. Now, you know a few more faces who, despite being physically distant, are available for whatever you need. We provide mentorship, alerts about job opportunities, and have an extensive network of contacts to share with you.

How can you support us?

Help us spread the word about our ALUMNI Association! Connect with us on LinkedIn and Instagram, or share our email ( with anyone who might be interested. The more visibility we gain, the more students we can support — all in the name of NOVA IMS.

Safe travels to everyone,
Ricardo Isaías Serafim

By Ricardo Isaías Serafim
Ambassador & Member | NOVA IMS ALUMNI

Ricardo Isaías Serafim, Ambassador & Member

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Nova IMS ALUMNI is a non-profit organization with the goal of creating a community of former students of NOVA IMS (