NOVA IMS ALUMNI EVENTS: our 5th Networking Dinner

Ready to network? — by Catarina Mena

2 min readMay 16, 2024

We, ALUMNI, believe in the power of shared experiences to help us grow together, which is why we’re HUGE fans of networking dinners! Last Friday, on May 10th, we hosted our 5th networking dinner for our community.

From those who graduated years ago to those who just recently joined us, everyone had the chance to connect with someone new and gain inspiration from different personal and professional journeys. While we all share the same university background, the paths we’ve taken since then — the courses we’ve pursued, the jobs we’ve landed, and the life experiences we’ve encountered — are incredibly diverse. And that’s something we celebrate! It highlights the versatility of the paths we can take after graduating from NOVA Information Management School.

Let me share a personal story with you. Back in 2021, during our master’s program in Information Management with a specialization in Marketing Intelligence, I met Gustavo Sá. We both shared a passion for combining marketing and data, seeing it as a fantastic opportunity for our professional growth. While Gustavo applied this knowledge in the hospitality sector, I ventured into the FMCG world of cosmetics with L’Oréal. Despite working in vastly different industries (from personal care to hotels, quite the leap!), we found that the lessons we learned during our master’s program still applied. Gustavo and I became close friends through this journey, and it was wonderful to see him at the ALUMNI dinner, meeting new faces and reconnecting with others.

Be like Gustavo and join us next time! You are now invited for our next gathering, which will be happening soon (keep your eyes open!).

In the meantime, here are some snapshots from our last dinner — taken before everyone got a little too happy! Because you never know if these connections could turn into lifelong friendships that also have fun together, just like mine with Gustavo!

33 smiles that say it all — a success of a dinner!
An international table with Canadian presence too!

If you’d like to be in the next pictures…

Stay up to date for the next events: 👇
- LinkedIn
- Instagram
- Website
- Github
- Substack

… and if you’d like to see any event happening, reach out to Catarina Candeias, from our ALUMNI team.

By Catarina Mena
Ambassador & Blog Coordinator | Member NOVA IMS ALUMNI

Catarina Mena, Blog Coordinator




Nova IMS ALUMNI is a non-profit organization with the goal of creating a community of former students of NOVA IMS (